Top Tips To Increase Blog Traffic

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Every blogger's dream good traffic. For making a blog popular that needs a good amount of traffic. Which means traffic is a must. But just having traffic is nothing, having a very high amount of traffic matters. Getting more traffic helps in generating more revenue, search engine ranking and many others. You may work for long on your blog but if you won't get good amount of traffic then your efforts will be in vain. The more you work, the more traffic you get, the better you live. 

Every blogger checks his/her blog everyday or something frequently, even me; you see that is there any improvement in your stats? There are many things that you are not doing for your blog. To get a huge change in your traffic follow the bellow tips. 

Post Frequently

Blogging is updating. The more you post the more you get. Having a blog, checking statistics everyday won't work. You need to post frequently to get a good amount of traffic from everywhere. Most of the search engines like Google like to have fresh and new content on websites/blogs. If you want a good amount of traffic then you must post daily or weekly three times. Keeping aside increasing traffic, sometimes you loose traffic because of not posting frequently. How this works is when people won't get anything new on your blog then why should they visit your blog again and again. So to make a good traffic you must have a good amount of posts. 

Build Backlinks

Backlinks are very important for a blog's growth, specially for new blogs. Backlinks are links that are destined to your site from other sites. Backlinks give you instant good amount of traffic. Be careful of the blog or website from which you get the backlinks, as if you get backlinks from a waste/dead site it may effect your ranking. And please do not buy backlinks for money. As ofcourse they give you traffic but it may lead to lose of your ranking. 

Lets discuss some good methods for Backlinks.  Participate in forums, and recommend your blog. Give a meaningful reply with your blog's link as reference. Another method is commenting, this method brings a low amount of traffic but still gets you some traffic. Advertising your blog on a site related to your niche. 


If you have some money you can advertise your blog on blog or website related to your niche. If a site related to your niche has a good amount of traffic you may advertise on that site to get instant good traffic to your blog. While doing this, some people feel shy to advertise on other blogs thinking of their reputation. But it doesn't matter for a few months blog. I recommend using buy sell ads, as it has starting range of $10 with some 100000 traffic or even more. 

Guest Post

Encourage guest posting on your blog. As it increases post frequency which means more traffic as discussed above. It will also reduce your work as someother is writing for you. Instead you have to give a link to their sites. 

Leaving aside guest post on your blog, write guest posts on other blogs.  By which you get traffic. This also increases your backlinks, while you write a guest post on a reputed blog this will lead to build good backlinks.

We will discuss on other topics on my next post. Stay tuned to Blogger Tricks Hut.


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