Don't Loose Your Blog Traffic

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Many people on the world blog. There are several reasons for their blogging like - some for money, some for fun, some as a hobby etc. Blogging is based on traffic. If there is no traffic your blog and your effort on your blog is waste. So today I am gonna tell the real thing experienced by me "Blog traffic is very hard to get, but is very is to loose". Keeping this in mind do hardwork on your blog. Some people watch their blog's traffic stats everyday without doing any work on it. This is the most foolish thing a blogger does. To get traffic you have to work hard. Today I am here with some factors which affects and reduces your traffic.

Maintaining your blog.
We all know that traffic is the only matter in blogging, without traffic nothing can be done on our blog. But getting traffic isn't that easy job. Building your audience is the matter. It doesn't matter how many pageviews you have, but if you have online users who visit your blog again and again this may bring you  more traffic. In this article I am not only discussing on how you are loosing traffic but also on how to earn it back/how to increase it. 

Read the following

1. Blog's content.

There are many questions when you publish a post and you think you should get traffic. Is your post worth reading? Will people like it? Does it make a good impression on your readers? and others. The content is the main part. When you post a good article, people will ofcourse like it and if they like it that means the article you have written is good and if your article is good, people will think that this is a super blog and may like to follow your blog and come again and again. 

As I said we will discuss on both Why traffic is reducing/How to get it? Now we are going on loosing traffic  from blog's content. It is same as the above one. When you post a good post people will like it. And you will have a good traffic. After you having a good traffic, if you post boring simple articles people will not be interested in your blog and this may lead to disfollowing your blog, which leads to death of your traffic. So be careful post good articles.

2. Blog's Design!

Of course not most but design also plays an important role in blog traffic.  As having a good blog design attracts the readers, it also makes them run away from your blog. Frankly I don't like many blogs i have seen with simple design or no design at all or having over-stylish design or loading slow. This is what makes your readers angry and makes them leave your blog and never return again. So make your blog, simple, attractive and wonderful. 


3. Ads and Links

Ofcourse ads are a good source of income, infact the only source of income for some. But did you think of loosing traffic because of these? Having ads does not harm any one or any reader/visitor of your blog. Having a lots off ads and pop-ups make them go away from your blog. Really who will like a pop-up window on anywhere they click? People visit your blog for some information you should keep them happy and convenient. So if you are having useless ads please remove to avoid lose of traffic. 

These are some tips for you. Try to follow them to avoid lose of traffic. 


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